On Sunday, December 7th I had the privilege – along with other members of the Boston Police Foundation – to attend the 143rd Annual Boston Police Relief Association (BPRA) Ball. The Boston Police Relief Association’s mission is to provide financial assistance for member officers and their families, who have been injured, fallen ill or passed away. Our donation will allow the Boston Police Relief Association to support its members and their families when they need it the most. This year, the Foundation was honored as the sponsor of the Ball in recognition of our donation to the BPRA of $25,000.
The BPRA Ball is a crown jewel in the history of the Boston Police Department. This remarkable and storied event is dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary bravery and dedication of some of Boston’s finest. I was both humbled and in awe as incredible stories were told of the selfless dedication and heroism of the 23 Officers being honored. While their stories are seldom shared in detail with the public, there telling is important and reaffirm the need and value of the Foundation’s work as we continue to Back Up Boston’s Finest.
As we enter this Season of Giving and Hope, I want to thank the generous supporters of the Boston Police Foundation. You have allowed us to make significant contributions to the programs, technology and equipment that support the Boston Police Department and its Officers. Throughout the year, your support has meant that – not only could we provide funds to the Boston Police Relief Association – we were able to fund the purchase of ALPR cameras, new safety vests for every Officer, and continue of the Foundations on-going programs including; the Summer Of Opportunity, Crime Stoppers, Text-A-Tip, National Night Out, and Officer Wellness.
The work of the Boston Police Foundation is important and ongoing. It is my hope that you will be able to continue to support our mission in the years to come. Thank you for Backing Up Boston’s Finest!
I wish you and yours the Happiest of Holidays, Peace and Prosperity.
Richard A. Parry