Since our 2nd Annual Boston Police Foundation Gala we have been diligently working on identifying ways we can support the Boston Police Department. With the help of the department we have identified 3 different donations that total $112,990 that will have a tremendously positive impact for every Boston Police Department officer and the City of Boston.

The first donation that has been approved was for the Boston Police Union Food Trucks. The board made the decision to fund all of the food that was needed for the food trucks throughout the Marathon. On April 20th the Boston Police Unions provided approximately 3,000 meals to every BPD Officer working the marathon. This allowed for efficient breaks and for the BPD Officers to always be near their post in case of emergency. The donation totaled $10,000.
The second donation that has been approved was for the Boston Police K-9 Unit The donation totaled $26,000 and will provide the BPD with 4 new K-9’s for their unit. The main function of a police dog is to be utilized as a search tool and to enhance officer safety. The dogs assist in obtain evidence, tracing narcotics, firearms and explosive and also searching for hidden suspects. The 4 new police dogs will replace several K-9’s that are due to retire soon and will help the entire department become more efficient in investigations and also help to protect the City of Boston.
The third and largest donation that was approved was for a City Wide Bicycle Upgrade for the Bike Unit. The bicycle unit consists of 32 Police Officers and 5 Supervisors. The unit operates 7 nights a week by putting at least 20 bikes out at night in the busiest districts. The bicycle unit is also imperative to the crowd control efforts of the department. The current fleets of bikes are in need of replacement do to the wear and tear of the job. The foundation has approved a $76,990 donation that will fund 50 bicycles, which will be fully equipped with headlights, emergency lights, sirens, chargers, saddle bags and helmets.

We are honored to be able to donate these items to Boston Police Department. Without the support of donors such as yourself these donations would not be possible. Thank you once again for helping us Back Up Boston’s Finest!